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Hey again, it's me, Christina!! Blogger extraordinaire. 

So one thing that makes blogging easier (in my professional experience), is having a few themes to follow. So here's the first theme that I'll be harping on: Female Entrepreneurship. When I'm not blogging, I'm female entrepreneuring...

Sort of by accident, I became an entrepreneur and turns out, I really love it. I love being one and I love learning about other female entrepreneurs. It's amazing how I've met women with SUCH different businesses than Sh*t That I Knit, and yet, we seem to have very similar challenges to overcome. We always have endless things to talk about when we meet up for lunch (or drinks), from customer service to workflow apps to hiring people to sourcing materials to finding time to turn off, we are all in a similar ~crazy~ boat.

So for this blog, I did all of my entrepreneur-friends a huge favor and added something to their to-do list... I asked them three questions for my blog!! Here you go!

Entrepreneur: Cate Brinch - Recycle Studio

How we met: Cate and I grew up in the same town (our parents are friends!), but I didn’t meet Cate until I started STIK. I actually lived down the street from Recycle's first studio on Tremont Street my first year out of college. I would go to the class and then “brag” to my friends that I sort of knew Cate because she grew up in Weston too… it was very cool of me. When I started out, Cate was insanely welcoming and invited me to host a trunk show at their studio. Ever since then, I've connected with Cate on a personal and professional level - going to her for advice and just to catch up! 

My take on Cate: Cate legit started the first spin studio in Boston. Long before we ever caught wind of SoulCycle or Turnstyle or anything like that, Cate introduced us to booty tapping the bike and dying from lifting 2-pound weights - the pain is real and the toning is effective. Cate’s energy is infectious. She’s the ultimate cool girl and when you meet her, you want to be her. She’s created a spin studio, yes, but more than that, she’s really created a community. People who spin at Recycle have completely drunk the organic kool-aid. They are all-in and are supportive, wonderful people. Basically, I think I love Cate?

Here are her answers to the VERY quick questions I’ve been asking female entrepreneurs I love:

What is one piece of advice you give to aspiring female entrepreneurs?

Create a really solid and dynamic team of people who compliment your strengths and weaknesses. You cannot do it all. You should not do it all.

What is one not-so-sexy (sh*ttiest) part of working for yourself that people don't typically see on social media?

The roller coaster ride that we live/work on 365 days a year.    

If there are things that are "shitty" about starting your own thing, what keeps you going? What's one of the best parts of your "job”?

I get to surround myself with people who are running their own businesses - and quite frankly, doing cool shit for the city and beyond.  Their friendships, stories, originality, inspiration and empathy keeps me going. I started Recycle because boutique fitness was something I wished existed in Boston. The community of people creating things (big and small) they wish existed is very cool.  They are making the city a more interesting place to live. These relationships Recycle has given me is the best part of my job.




PS. How awesome are these custom hats we made for Recycle this year?! Check out Recycle on Instagram and obvi - go ride there!! 

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